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Normal calendar view of Blotter

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Easier way to remote control Mac via Apple Remote Desktop

It is also being done using VNC Viewer but this time without installing anything on Mac OS X.
Just merely a single check and that enables you to remote control Mac OS X from Windows via VNC Viewer.
Here’s the simple step to remote control Mac OS X via Windows with VNC Viewer…

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我以前也是Picasa的愛用者,打從Picasa賣給google前就在使用了,2008年switch到MAC後沒了Picasa只剩iPhoto也覺得很好用,除了資料庫太大後會有瘋狂Lag的問題外,但只要懂得用option開啟不同資料庫的方法,還是很夠用的!但是,這也是Picasa最大的優點(對我而言),Picasa是Win的架構,即使在MAC也是,他不像iPhoto會把照片存成一個大資料夾,而只是記錄位址的方使,你還是可以輕鬆的使用資料夾管理,好壞各有,試用看看才知道!最好的方法當然是兩套都灌,反正Picasa可以直接讀iPhoto 的library。

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The table below gives a pretty good compare and contrast between HDD vs SSD.

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