Arne Jacobsen 是位出色的丹麥設計師,他的設計普遍有一項特色,那就是每一項都是享譽國際的經典設計,著名的像是這張Egg,還有 Ant、Swan椅及AJ燈, Arne Jacobsen設計的每一樣都是經典,怎麼會有人這麼強。
品牌: Fritz Hansen |
設計: Arne Jacobsen |
尺寸: W86 x D79/95 x H107 cm |
Arne Jacobsen bought a plywood chair designed by Charles Eames and installed it in his own studio, where it inspired one of the most commercially successful chair models in design history. The three-legged Ant chair (1951) sold in millions and is considered a classic today. It consists of two simple elements: tubular steel legs and a springy seat and back formed out of a continuous piece of plywood in a range of vivid colors.
Jacobsen began training as a mason before studying at the Royal Danish Academy of Arts, Copenhagen where he won a silver medal for a chair that was then exhibited at the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Art Decoratifs in Paris. Influenced by Le Corbusier, Gunnar Asplund and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Jacobsen embraced a functionalist approach from the outset. He was among the first to introduce modernist ideas to Denmark and create industrial furniture that built upon on its craft-based design heritage.
First among Jacobsen’s important architectural commissions was the Bellavista housing project, Copenhagen (1930-1934). Best known and most fully integrated works, are the SAS Air Terminal and the Royal Hotel Copenhagen for which Jacobsen designed every detail from sculptural furnishings such as his elegant Swan and Egg chairs (1957-1958) to textiles, lighting, ashtrays and cutlery.
During the 1960’s, Jacobsen’s most important work was a unified architectural and interior design scheme for St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, which, like his earlier work for the Royal Hotel, involved the design of site-specific furniture. Jacobsen’s work remains appealing and fresh today, combining free-form sculptural shapes with the traditional attributes of Scandinavian design, material and structural integrity.
Arne Jacobsen
Arne Jacobsen(1902~1971)生於丹麥首都哥本哈根,他是本世紀最具影響力的北歐建築師暨工業設計大師,是『丹麥功能主義』的倡導人,後與Le Corbusier、Mies van der Rohe及Gunnar Asplund等其他歐洲設計巨擘共同主張『簡約』設計風格。
自從Arne Jacobsen和Peter Holmblad在1967年共同架構出「Cylinda-Line」不鏽鋼系列後,即於同年得到ID-PRIZE獎項,而1968年更獲得國際設計大獎 (International Design Award)的殊榮,另外美國室內設計學會(American Institute Of Interior Designers)也頒發榮譽國際設計獎項給這位由建築轉為商業創作的奇葩。
他將自身對建築的獨特見解延伸傢飾品,並為一手繪製的建築結構裝點添色,因而摧生出如The Ant、The Egg、The Swan、The Oxford chair等曠世之作,以及雅宅、工廠、展示間、織品、時鐘、壁燈與門把等無計可數的多元創作
Arne Jacobsen的設計是經過”精密計算”的,和另一位同以建築為本業的設計師Alvar Aalto不同,Alvar Aalto崇尚自然美景與作品的結合,但Arne Jacobsen除了美感以外,還必須兼顧實用與耐用,另外,精心設計的作品裡面,種種便利性的巧思,也總讓人非常期待!