好站介紹 Design to inspire就如同他的站名一樣可以給你很多design idea,站上蒐集了許許多多的照片,一整個就是看不完的好站,每張圖似乎都可以勾起另一張畫面,desire to inspire ,一個你裝修房子錢不可錯過的好站。
An Australian and a Canadian trying to inspire the world, one room at a time
midcenturyjo - email
kim. - email
This blog was started so that we could share our favourite inspirational design photos with you, and we would like to give you the opportunity to share yours with us as well. This is what we need you to do. We welcome links to great design sites or photos, but links are preferred so our inboxes don't fill up. If sending photos, please clearly state the name of your source whether magazine (and date if you have it), book (include author’s name and publisher) or website. Also please include your name so we can give you the credit, and a link to your site if you have one. The more information we have the more valuable this resource will become. There that was easy wasn’t it? Please remember that we cannot post if your photo is not adequately sourced. Now let’s have fun!
- Australia *
- Canada *
- Flickr *
- Holidays *
- Hollywood Regency *
- Jo's place *
- Kim's renos and decos *
- OMG *
- Swedish *
- aboriginal art *
- antlers *
- architect *
- art *
- bathroom *
- bedroom *
- black *
- black and white *
- blog *
- blue *
- books *
- cabin *
- carpets *
- cat *
- ceramics *
- chairs *
- chalkboards *
- children's rooms *
- club *
- coffee tables *
- colour *
- decorations *
- designer *
- developer *
- dining room *
- dog *
- doll's house *
- door *
- ebay *
- etsy *
- events *
- fabric *
- favourites *
- fireplace *
- furniture *
- girly *
- glamour *
- green *
- grey *
- homewares *
- hotel *
- inspiration boards *
- interior designer *
- kitchen *
- laundry room *
- lighting *
- living room *
- locations *
- magazine *
- mail *
- midcentury *
- mirrors *
- office *
- outdoor spaces *
- paint *
- passementerie *
- photographer *
- pink *
- reader's home *
- real estate *
- red *
- retro *
- romantic *
- rugs *
- shop *
- soft furnishings *
- sponsor *
- staircase *
- storage *
- stylist *
- tables *
- tagged *
- thrift finds *
- tile *
- vignette *
- virtual *
- wall decals *
- wallpaper *
- website *
- white *
- winks *
- workspace *
- wunderkammer *
- yellow *