
JBL 這組喇叭對我而言就是帥,2.1聲道的設計頗適合放在桌上搭配電腦,多款顏色可以挑選(台灣買得到白色的),沒記錯的話應該還有粉紅色與黑色,但我個人比較喜歡上圖這個藍綠色。一組的售價大約折台幣5000多,我記得台灣比較貴。
lust factor:

JBL Spyro
Pump up your desktop stereo with these daisy-shaped, six-watt satellite speakers and 24-watt, 8-inch-diameter subwoofer, available in retro blue, shown, fuchsia, white, and black. Compatible with either Macs or PCs, this six-pound system has a touch-sensitive volume control and can hook up (via stereo mini jack) to a computer, digital music player, portable DVD player, or gaming console. $130. 516-682-6438,