
這家Rei spa 其實挺有趣的,台灣的旅行社推說這家有多好友多好,什麼是既資生堂的kirana後另一家新興的著名SPA店,我們懷著期待的心下訂前往,才一進門我就覺得不妙,這裡隱藏在Kuta的街道中,基本上View就輸給kirana一大截了!怎麼可能相提並論!在選精油的時候更是傻眼,他們裝精油的瓶子根本就是widys的mark阿?難道我自以為聰明,上網看了一堆猴子寫的Blog以為很懂了,卻定了一間根本就是跟旅行社同公司的相關企業,這樣不安定的心,和預設立場以為被敲竹槓了的心,讓我在療程開始前一直很不能釋懷,覺得完了~我好不容易辛苦工作賺來的薪水,就這樣要被吃掉了!
SPA結束~咿~我還爽到睡著打呼,黃小瑤更是大呼過癮阿!我其實也覺得不賴,這裡的手法很特殊,使用的素材也很特殊,場地也還蠻乾淨的,滿足的跟導遊確認是不是他們家的公司,答案是確定的,這間Rei spa真的是巴里島當地的widys旅行社所投資的SPA房,這麼高水準的spa是因為windys 找來曾在肉桂當spa經理的 Ibu Dayu夫妻檔主導,一個當過肉桂的經理,一個當過maya ubud的經理,管理起來當然也是有聲有色,所以這裡雖然沒有我一開始期望的豪華設備,卻有完整舒適的療程與服務,唯一讓我覺得不划算的是,我的SPA師居然把我催眠了!還我錢來拉~林杯都沒爽到拉~
不知道是不是因為是關係企業,我們做的療程根本不在網頁上的menu,而是一個什麼simply refessh的療程,簡單的說就是從pure harmony改來的,加了一個洗腳按摩,然後就是推油按摩,去角質最後泡澡!
Pure Harmony - 150 min single USD 85 / double USD 155
This rejuvenating ritual has been created to ignite the senses and begins with a gentle foot bath to pamper one of the most neglected parts of the body. A traditional body massage continues the ritual using a combination of long finger strokes and palm pressure to relive the effects of a modern lifestyle and evoke deep relaxation. Pure Harmony concludes with a refreshing fruit bath and healthy drink with condiment.
This rejuvenating ritual has been created to ignite the senses and begins with a gentle foot bath to pamper one of the most neglected parts of the body. A traditional body massage continues the ritual using a combination of long finger strokes and palm pressure to relive the effects of a modern lifestyle and evoke deep relaxation. Pure Harmony concludes with a refreshing fruit bath and healthy drink with condiment.
