salary = 薪資
be familiar with = 熟悉
bending test = 彎曲測試
production arrangement = 產能安排
worth = 值得
The exhibition is worth a visit. = 這展覽值得一看
I will suggest that... = 我建議...
tolerance = 公差, 容限
process flow = 製造流程設立
sister-in-law = 嫂嫂
brother-in-law = 妹夫/妹婿/姐夫
mother-in-law = 岳母
father-in-law = 丈人
RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) = 退貨
conference call = 電話會議
Troublesome = 令人煩惱的, 棘手的
From .... point of view = 以...的觀點而言
From my point of view, we should team up with R&D dept.
ETA (estimated time of arrival) = 估計到達時間
dummy = 展示用的模型樣品
Keep our commitment = 遵守承諾
dropping test = 落下試驗
to negotiate = 談判, 協商
Quality validation = 品質確認
PMC (Product Management Control) = 生管
Cost structure = 價格結構表
Material cost = 材料成本
labor cost = 人工成本
Manufacturing cost = 製造成本
yield loss = 折損費用
margin = 利潤
selling price = 賣價
meeting notice = 會議通知
RFQ (Request for Quotation) = 要求提供報價
pleasure = 很高興
It is a pleasure to talk with you. = 很高興與您談話.
favor = 恩惠
Thanks for doing me a great favor. = 謝謝您幫了我一個大忙.
Pilot run = 試產
With reference to = 關於
It is a collection of documents with reference to the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization). = 這是有關所有退貨紀錄的文件.
guarantee = 保證, 擔心
annual turnover = 年度營業額
application form = 報名表
fill out = 填寫
Fill out the form, Please.
MOQ (minimum order quantity) = 最小訂單量
clarify = 澄清, 闡明
His explanation clarified the issue. = 他的說明澄清了這個問題.
annual plan = 年度計畫
concerning = 關於, 關心
We need to consider it, especially concerning the price issue. = 我們需要考慮此問題, 特別是有關價錢的問題.
yield loss = 不良率
transit = 運送
ideally = 理想地
advertising = 廣告
in the stage of = 在...階段
In the stage of mass production.
three months rolling forecast = 3個月的預估訂單
20% up side down = 上下20%的變動.
Smuggling = 走私
dispatch = 派遣
why to go. = 作的好
environment test = 產品環境測試
brochure = 廣告冊子
a few minutes = 花幾分鐘
Can you spend a few minutes explaining the goals of this project? = 可否請您花幾分鐘說明這個案子的目標呢?
Quality = 品質
a quantity of = 為數...的東西
not profitable to us = 無利潤可言
under this circumstance = 在這種情況下
adjourn = 休會,中止活動
Trading terms = 貿易條件
FOB (Free on Board) = 船上交貨價
C&F (Cost and Freight) = FOB + 到指定目的港口運費
CIF (Cost , Insurance and Freight ) = C&F + 保險費用
Ex-Factory = 工廠交貨價
FOR (Free on Rail) = 鐵路/卡車交貨價
procurement = 採購
evaluate = 評估
Line of business = 產品線
preliminary meeting = 籌備會
overhead cost = 公司內部營運成本
Prior to = 在...之前
Prior to the conference call , we need to gave and internal discussion. = 電話會議之前, 我們需要舉行內部會議.
ETD (estimated time of departure) = 估計出貨時間
contractor = 承包商
shelves = 展示架
Cabinets = 展示櫃
pegboards = 洞洞板
Hooks = 掛鉤
wall partition = 隔板牆
folding chairs = 折疊椅
waste basket = 垃圾桶
banner = 旗幟
rush order = 急單
comment on = 就....發表意見
EOL (the end of life) =不再生產
replace ..A.. with..B.. = 以..B..替代..A..
We replaced 1x1G ram with 2x 512MB ram.
result form = 產生, 起因於
His success resulted from my help. = 他的成功是由於我的幫助所致.
up-to-date = 最新的
raw materials = 原材料
Certification = 認證
hurry up = 趕緊
or we'll be late. = 不然我們要持到了.
RFI (Request for Information) = 進行初步調查
Kick off meeting = 產品啟始會議
calendar day = 日曆天
liability = 責任, 義務
capacity = 產能
follow-up = 後續的
choice / election = 選擇
Lead time = 交期
in advance = 事先, 預先
achievement = 達成;完成
On the contrary = 相反地
at the absolute latest = 儘快
Please place your order at the absolute latest. = 請儘快下訂單.
impressed = 令人深刻印象的, 感人的
on the rise = 上升中
The cost of RAM has been on the rise. = RAM 不斷漲價
perform = 履行, 作
one tiny point = 細微之處
ASAP (as soon as possible) = 儘快
valid = 指報價單的有效期限
terms and conditions = 付款條件
for the purpose of ... = 為了...用途
This meeting is for the purpose of reviewing our sales performance. = 這個會議的目的是用來檢討業績
frankly speaking = 坦白地說
prefer = 寧願
mark concession = 讓步
mechanism engineer = 機構工程師
life test = 試驗產品壽命
Overlook 忽略
mass production = 量產
make up = 補足
design's fault = 設計錯誤
Inquiry = 詢價
seriously = 嚴重地
upon = 根據
working day = 工作天
Finalization = 完成
exhibition = 展覽
Schedule is occupied(佔滿) = production line is fully booked(預約) = 產能滿載
Objectives = 目的
effective = 生效的
make an appointment = 與某人約定會面
methods = 方法
Function test = 產品功能測試
stuff = 物品, 東西
insist on = 強烈地要求
immediately = 立刻
favorable reply = 好消息
We are waiting for your favorable reply. = 我們在等您的好消息.
Partial shipment = 分批出貨
deadline = 截止日期, 最後期限
payment terms = 付款方式
Payment prior to delivery = 預付貨款
T/T in advance = Telegraphic Transfer = 電匯
Payment against delivery = 裝貨付款
L/C at sight = Letter of Credit = 信用狀
CAD (Cash against document) / D/P (Document against Payment) = 貨到付款
Payment after delivery = 交貨後付款
O/A 30 days = Open Account 30 days = 出貨30天後在收款
efficiency = 效率, 效能
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) = 設備製造商
fulfill this demand = 達到(目的), 滿足(願望等)
grant = 同意, 准予
consigned parts = 指定零件
receipt of = 收到
Invoice = 發票
commercial invoice = 商業發票
ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) = 設計製造商
collect = 蒐集
badge = 名牌
compliance with everything = 完全順從
either ... or = 不是... 就是
approval = 確認
Involve in = 連累, 牽涉
regarding = 關於, 就...而論
monumental = 巨大的, 大幅的
Please kindly understand that ...= 請了解
Packing list = 裝船明細
hot season = 旺季
rental = 租金
piles of = 大量, 大數目
He is got piles of work to do this morning. = 今天上午他有大量的工作要作.
hesitate to V = 猶豫
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. = 若有任何問題, 請立刻與我們聯絡.
periodically = 定期地
a lot = 很多
annual leave = 年度休假
root cause = 根本原因
shorten = 短期
claim = (根據權利而提出的)要求
extremely confidential = 非常機密的